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To enhance your ability to integrate information from the medical literature into your practice, each resident is required to participate in a scholarly project. All projects are heavily facilitated by Epidemiologist, Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed. Residents may write a review article for American Family Physician or participate in one of multiple ongoing qualitative or quantitative epidemiological projects. The majority of all projects are published.


BHabli M, Eftekhari N, Wiebracht E, Bombrys A, Khabbaz M, et al. Long-term maternal and subsequent pregnancy outcomes 5 years after HELLP syndrome. Am J Obstetrics & Gyn 2009;201:385e5.

Catanzaro, L., Esch A., Hirsutism update PEPID Primary Care Plus. Evanston , IL : PEPID. Sept 2010

Esch, A. Conn ’s Syndrome. PEPID Primary Care Plus. Evanston , IL : PEPID. Dec 09

Woods S, Engel A, Rankin W. The influence of ethnicity on prostate cancer stage. Int J Medicine and Medical sciences. 2010;2:(in press).

Woods S, Brown K, Engel A. The influence of gender in adults admitted for asthma: Is asthma different in the two genders? Gender Medicine 2010;7:109-114.

Sorscher J, Aung A, Louis M, Steinbrunner J, Talen M, Djafari P, Suchoski A, Kalush W. The inpact of an educational workshop on practitioners’ knowledge, skills and attitudes of group medical visits. Medical Encounter 2009:23:3-4.

Woods S, Messer J, Engel A. The Influence of Ethnicity on Gleason score. JMH 2008;5:314-317.

Rayborn J, Okragly R. Acute Renal Failure in a Lacrosse Player. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2009;41:S152.

Conners K, Okragly R. Sudden onset polyarthralgia in a mixed martial artist. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2009;41:S163.

Beiter PA, Sorscher J, Henderson CJ, Talen M. Impact of Electronic Medical Records Demonstrations on Change in Attitudes, Knowledge, Skills, and Needs of Physicians, Staff, and Patients. Informatics in Primary Care 2008;16(3):221-227.

Talen MR, Grampo K, Tucker A, Schultz J. What physicians want from their patients: Identifying what makes good patient communication. Fam, Sys & Health 2008;26:58-66.

Woods S, Eppley C, Engel A. The Influence of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: A prospective Cohort. American Surgeon 2008:74:839-844.

Woods S, Diehl J, Daggy M, Zabat E, Engel A, Okragly R. Is it cost effective to require face protection in recreational hockey players? SMJ 2008;101:991-995.

Woods S, Ghodsi V, Engel A, James S. Serum chromium and gestational diabetes. JABFM 2008;21:153-157.

Rankin W, Okragly R. Exertional Rhabdomyolysis in a Mixed Martial arts fighter. Med & Science in Sports & Exercise 2007;39:S1074.

Daggy M, Okragly R. Exercise Induced Lightheadedness and Nausea in a High School Athlete. Med & Science in Sports & Exercise 2007;39:S1074.

Woods S, Faughn L, Engel A. Gender and Pain Management, Treatment and Satisfaction. J Women’s Health 2007;16:S18.

Woods S, Zabat E, Talen MR, Bishop S, Stephens L, Engel A. Residents’ Perspective on the Impact of the 80-Hour Workweek Policy. Teaching & Learning in Medicine 2008;20:131-135.

Woods S, Daggy M, Zabat E, Diehl J, Engel A, Okragly R. Face protection in recreational hockey players. Family Medicine 2007;39:548-551.

Woods S, Harju A, Rao S, Koo J, Kini D. Perceived Bias and Prejudices Experienced by International Medical Graduates in the US Post-Graduate Medical Education System. Med Educ Online 2006;11:20.

Pullen-James S, Woods S. Occupational Arsine Gas Exposure. JNMA 2006;98:1998-2001.

Smith JM, Soneson E, Woods S, Engel A, Hiratzka L. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Outcomes Among African American and Caucasian Patients. Int J Surgery 2006;4:212-216.

Woods S, Atkins B, Luking R, Engel A. The Influence of Race on Breast Cancer Stage. Journal of Women’s Health. 2006;15:466P13.

Woods S, Basho S, Engel A. Gender and Colon Cancer: The State of Ohio 1996-2001. Journal of Women’s Health 2006;15:877-881.

Zabat E, Daggy M, Woods S, Diehl J, Okragly R. Face protection in recreational hockey players. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2006;38(5):S106.

Zabat E, Okragly R. Throat Trauma in a Soccer Player. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2006;38(5):S154.

Woods S, Atkins B, Luking R, Engel A. The Association of Race and Breast Cancer. J National Medical Association. 2006;98:683-687.

Manahan J, Brockman C, Woods S. Lead Poisoning in Children. Resident and Staff Physician. 2006;10:17-27.

Woods S, Basho S, Engel A. Gender and Colon Cancer: The State of Ohio 1996-2001. Journal of Women’s Health 2005;14:367 P11.

Woods S, Narayanan K, Engel A. The Influence of Gender on Colon Cancer Stage. Journal of Women’s Health 2005;14:478-482.

Talen M, Fraser JS, Cauley K. Training Primary Care Psychologists: A Model for Predoctoral Programs. Professional Psychology 2005;36:136-143.

Rosenfeld R, Smith JM., Woods S, Engel A. Predictors and Outcomes in Extended Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. J Cardiac Surg 2006 (In press).

Johnson M., Smith JM, Woods S, Hendy MP, Hiratzka L. Cardiac Surgery in Octogenarians: Does Age Alone Influence Outcomes? Archives of Surg. 2005;140:1089-1093.

Nugent P. Program Director’s Evaluation of Obstetrical Teaching in Family Medicine Residencies. The Ohio Family Physician 2005;57:36-37.

Woods S, Bivins B, Oteng K, Engel A. The Influence of Ethnicity on Patient Satisfaction. Ethnicity and Health 2005;10:235-242.

Lewis C, Hiratzka L, Woods S, Hendy M. Autologous Blood Transfusion in Elective Cardiac Valve Operations. J Card Surg 2005; Nov-Dec;20(6):513-518.

Nugent P. Otawa Ankle Rules. J Fam Prac 2004;53:785-788.

Patton R, Okragly R. Book review: DeLee and Drez’s Orthopeadic Sports medicine: Principles and Practice. Disability Medicine 2004;4:33-34.

Woods S, Smith JM, Sohail S, Sarah A, Engle A. The Influence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: An Eight-year Prospective Cohort Study. Chest 2004;126:1789-1795.

Woods S, Smith JM, Engel A, Hiratzka L. Predictors of Stroke in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Prospective, Nested, Case-Control Study. J Stroke Cerebrovascular Dis. 2004;13:178-182.

Lewis C, Woods S, Lohr J, Poynter M, Engel A, Rusche J. Level of Education and Patient Opinion: Significant Differences in Perceptions of Health Care. Current Surgery. 2004;61(5):504-510.

Nash A, Woods S, Awada S. Pheochromocytoma. Resident and Staff Physician. 2005;51:30-34.

Silva W, Kleeman S, Segal J, Pauls R, Woods S, Karram M. Effects of A Full Bladder and Patient Positioning of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Assessment. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;104:37-41.

Berson, A, Smith JM, Woods S, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. Off-pump Versus On-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: Does the Pump Influence Outcomes? J Am Coll Surg 2004;199:102-108.

Nugent P. The Otawa Knee Rule. The physician and sportsmedicine 2004;32:26-32.

Recht M, Smith JM, Woods S, Engle A, Hiratzka L. Predictors and Outcomes of Gastrointestinal Complications in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Prospective, Nested Case-Control Study. J Am Coll Surg 2004;198:742-747.

Powell, K, Smith JM, Woods S, Hendy MP, Engle A. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Dialysis-Dependent End Stage Renal Disease. J Card Surg 2004;19(5):449-452.

Woods S, Heidari Z. The Influence of Gender on Patient Satisfaction. J Gender-specific Med

Awada JP, Woods S, Doerzbacher M, Gonzales Y, Miller T. Four Cut Sinus CT in Screening for Sinus
Disease. Southern Medical Journal 2004;97:18-20.

Woods S, Smith JM, Engel A, Hiratzka L. Predictors of Stroke in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Prospective, Nested, Case-Control Study. Chest 2003;124(4):159s.

Recht M, Smith JM, Woods S, Engle A, Hiratzka L. Predictors and Outcomes of Gastrointestinal Complications in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Prospective, Nested Case-Control Study. Chest 2003;124(S):159s.

Woods S, Smith JM, Engel A, Hiratzka L. Predictors of Stroke in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Prospective, Nested, Case-Control Study. Circulation 2003;107:e131.

Woods S, Narayanan K, Engel A. Colon Cancer and Gender: Do we find the disease earlier in either Sex? J Women’s Health & Gender-Based Med 2003;12;425.

Avelar E, Woods S, Doerzbacher M, Gonzales Y. The Influence of Multiple variables on the Prevalence of aspirin Prescribing in Patients with known Coronary Artery Disease. HEARTDRUG 2003;3:82-86.

Awada S, Grisham A, Woods S. A Large Dopamine-secreting Pheochromocytoma. Southern Medical Journal 2003;96:914-917..

Woods S, Sorscher J, King J. The Influence of Gender in Young Adults admitted for Asthma. J Women's Health 2003;12:481-485.

Rivera E, Woods S. The prevalence of asymptomatic C. difficile in a nursing home population. J Gender-specif Med 2003;6[2]:27-30.

Woods S, Noble G, Smith JM, Hasselfeld K. The Influence of Gender in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: An eight-year prospective Hospitalized Cohort Study. J Am Coll of Surg 2003; 196: 428-434.

Talen M, Fraser S, Cauley K. From Soup to Nuts: Integrating Clinical Psychology training into Primary Healthcare setting. Families, Systems & Health 2002;20:419-429.

Woods S. What Cancer are you at Risk to Develop at your Age? (Female) Vibrant Life
2002;6:8 13.

Rosenbaum C., Woods S., Hasselfeld K. The correlation of the change in the International Normalized Ratio and the need to decrease the Dosage of Coumadin. Orthopedics 2002;25:1359-1363.

Berson A, Smith JM, Woods S, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. Off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: does the pump influence outcomes? Chest 2002;122:40S.

Woods S, Smith JM, Noble G, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. The Influence of Gender in Patients undergoing Coronary artery Bypass Surgery. Chest 2002;122:97S.

Johnson M, Smith JM, Woods S, Henry MP, Hiratzka L. Cardiac Surgery in Octogenarians: Does age alone influence outcomes? Chest 2002;122:41S.

Berson A, Smith JM, Woods S, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. Off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: does the pump influence outcomes? J Am Coll Surg 2002;195:s24.

Woods S, Smith JM, Noble G, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. The influence of Gender in Patients undergoing Coronary artery Bypass Surgery. Circulation 2002;102:P89.

Smith JM, Woods S, Hasselfeld K, Engel A, Hiratzka L. The Influence of Race in Patients undergoing Coronary artery Bypass Surgery: A Prospective Hospitalization Study. Circulation 2002:102:P116.

King J., Woods S., Sorscher J. The Influence of Gender in Young Adults admitted for Asthma. J Women's Health & Gender-Based Med 2002; 11:317(P-4).

Woods S. The Influence of Gender in Patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: A Prospective Hospitalization Study. J Women's Health & Gender-Based Med 2002; 11:317(P-1).

Weinberg E, Woods S, Grannan K, Hendy MP. The Influence of the Gender of the Surgeon on Surgical Procedure Preference for Breast Cancer. Amer Surg 2002 2002;68:398-400.

Woods S. What Cancer are you at Risk to Develop at your Age? Vibrant Life 2002 2002;3:24-28.

Woods S, Chandran P. The Influence of Gender on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with an Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Hospitalized Cohort Study. J Fam Prac 2002;51:237-240.

Woods S. Preventing Prostate Cancer for our Sons and Grandsons: Can Selenium and Vitamin E lower the risk? Vibrant Life 2002 (In Press).

Powell, K, Smith JM, Woods S, Hendy MP. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Dialysis-Dependent End State Renal Disease. J Am Coll Card 2002;39:418A

Woods S. A Qualitative Assessment of One Cohort from the University of North Carolina Faculty Development Fellowship. Fam Med 2002;34:128-133.

Woods S., Raju U. Maternal Smoking and the Risk of Congenital Birth Defects: A Cohort Study. J Amer B Fam Pract 2001;14:330-4.

Woods S. Reply, Letter to the Editor. J Amer B Fam Pract 2002;15:85-86.

Published Residents

Maram Khabbaz, MD

Habli M, Eftekhari N, Wiebracht E, Bombrys A, Khabbaz M, et al. Long-term maternal and subsequent pregnancy outcomes 5 years after HELLP syndrome. Am J Obstetrics & Gyn 2009;201:385e5.

Lori Catanzaro, DO

Catanzaro, L., Esch A., Hirsutism update PEPID Primary Care Plus. Evanston , IL : PEPID. Sept 2010

Wade Rankin, DO

Woods S, Engel A, Rankin W. The influence of ethnicity on prostate cancer stage. International Journal of medicine and Medical sciences. 2010;2:(in press).

Kelly Brown, MD

Woods S, Brown K, Engel A. The influence of gender in adults admitted for asthma: Is asthma different in the two genders? Gender Medicine 2010;7:109-114.

Paria Djafari, MD

Sorscher J, Aung A, Louis M, Steinbrunner J, Talen M, Djafari P, Suchoski A, Kalush W. The inpact of an educational workshop on practitioners’ knowledge, skills and attitudes of group medical visits. Medical Encounter 2009:23:3-4.

Anthony Suchoski, MD

Sorscher J, Aung A, Louis M, Steinbrunner J, Talen M, Djafari P, Suchoski A, Kalush W. The inpact of an educational workshop on practitioners’ knowledge, skills and attitudes of group medical visits. Medical Encounter 2009:23:3-4.

Jennifer Messer

Woods S, Messer J, Engel A. The Influence of Ethnicity on Gleason score. JMH 2008;5:314-317.

Jeff Rayborn, MD

Rayborn J, Okragly R. Acute Renal Failure in a Lacrosse Player. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2009;41:S163.

Kristine Conners, MD

Conners K, Okragly R. Sudden onset polyarthralgia in a mixed martial artist. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2009;41:152.

Pat Beiter, MD

Beiter PA, Sorscher J, Henderson CJ, Talen M. Impact of Electronic Medical Records Demonstrations on Change in Attitudes, Knowledge, Skills, and Needs of Physicians, Staff, and Patients. Informatics in Primary Care 2008;16(3):221-227.

Annie Tucker, MD

Talen MR, Grampo K, Tucker A, Schultz J. What physicians want from their patients: Identifying what makes good patient communication. Families, Systems & Health 2008;26:58-66.

Chris Eppley, MD

Woods S, Eppley C, Engel A. The Influence of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: A prospective Cohort. American Surgeon 2008;9:839-844.

Shama James, MD

Woods S, Ghodsi V, Engel A, James S. Serum chromium and gestational diabetes. JABFM 2008;21:153-157.

Wade Rankin, DO

Rankin W, Okragly R. Exertional Rhabdomyolysis in a Mixed Martial arts fighter. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2007;39:S1074.

Laura Faughn, MD

Woods S, Faughn L, Engel A. Gender and Pain Management, Treatment and Satisfaction. J Women’s Health 2007;16:S18.

Matt Daggy, MD

Daggy M, Okragly R. Exercise Induced Lightheadedness and Nausea in a High School Athlete. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2007;39:S1074.

Woods S, Daggy M, Zabat E, Diehl J, Engel A, Okragly R. Face protection in recreational hockey players. Family Medicine 2007;35:548-551.

Zabat E, Daggy M, Woods S, Diehl J, Okragly R. Face protection in recreational hockey players. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2006;38(5):S106. (abstract).

Woods S, Diehl J, Daggy M, Zabat E, Engel A, Okragly R. Is it cost effective to require face protection in recreational hockey players? SMJ 2008;101:991-995.

John Diehl, MD

Woods S, Daggy M, Zabat E, Diehl J, Engel A, Okragly R. Face protection in recreational hockey players. Family Medicine 2007;35:548-551.

Zabat E, Daggy M, Woods S, Diehl J, Okragly R. Face protection in recreational hockey players. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2006;38(5):S106. (abstract).

Woods S, Diehl J, Daggy M, Zabat E, Engel A, Okragly R. Is it cost effective to require face protection in recreational hockey players? SMJ 2008;101:991-995.

Shalya Pullen-James

Pullen-James S, Woods S. Occupational Arsine Gas Exposure. JNMA 2006;98:1998-2001.

Eric Zabat, MD

Woods S, Daggy M, Zabat E, Diehl J, Engel A, Okragly R. Face protection in recreational hockey players. Family Medicine 2007;35:548-551.

Zabat E, Daggy M, Woods S, Diehl J, Okragly R. Face protection in recreational hockey players. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2006;38(5):S106. (abstract).

Zabat E, Okragly R. Throat trauma in a soccer player. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2006;38(5):S154. (abstract).

Woods S, Zabat E, Talen MR, Bishop S, Stephens L, Engel A. Residents’ Perspective on the Impact of the 80-Hour Workweek Policy. Teaching & Learning in Medicine 2008;20:131-135.

Woods S, Diehl J, Daggy M, Zabat E, Engel A, Okragly R. Is it cost effective to require face protection in recreational hockey players? SMJ 2008;101:991-995.

Stacey Bishop, MD

Woods S, Zabat E, Talen MR, Bishop S, Stephens L, Engel A. Residents’ Perspective on the Impact of the 80-Hour Workweek Policy. Teaching & Learning in Medicine 2008;20:131-135.

Julie Koo MD, Aaron Harju MD, Shoba Rao MD, Divya Kini MD

Woods S, Harju A, Rao S, Koo J, Kini D. Perceived Bias and Prejudices Experienced by International Medical Graduates in the US Post-Graduate Medical Education System. Med Educ Online 2006;11:20.

Becky Atkins, DO

Woods S, Atkins B, Luking R, Engel A. The association of Racer and Breast Cancer. J National Medical Association. 2006;98:683-687.

Woods S, Atkins B, Luking R, Engel A. The Influence of Race on Breast Cancer Stage. Journal of Women’s Health. 2006;15:466P13. (published abstract)

Rebecca Luking, DO

Woods S, Atkins B, Luking R, Engel A. The association of Race and Breast Cancer. J National Medical Association. 2006;98:683-687.
Woods S, Atkins B, Luking R, Engel A. The Influence of Race on Breast Cancer Stage. Journal of Women’s Health. 2006;15:466P13. (published abstract)

Jill Manahan, DO

Manahan J, Brockman C, Woods S. Lead Poisoning in Children. Resident and Staff Physician. 2006;10:17-27.

Christina Brockman, DO

Manahan J, Brockman C, Woods S. Lead Poisoning in Children. Resident and Staff Physician. 2006;10:17-27.

Eric Soneson, MD

Smith JM, Soneson E, Woods S, Engel A, Hiratzka L. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Outcomes Among African American and Caucasian Patients. Int J Surgery 2006;4:212-216.

Bob Bivins, MD

Woods S, Bivins B, Oteng K, Engel A. The Influence of Ethnicity on Patient Satisfaction. Ethnicity and Health 2005;10:235-242.

Shruti Basho, MD

Woods S, Basho S, Engel A. Gender and Colon Cancer: The State of Ohio 1996-2001. Journal of Women’s Health 2006;15:877-881.
Woods S, Basho S, Engel A. Gender and Colon Cancer: The State of Ohio 1996-2001. Journal of Women’s Health 2005;14:367 P11. (abstract)

Kwabena Oteng, MD

Woods S, Bivins B, Oteng K, Engel A. The Influence of Ethnicity on Patient Satisfaction. Ethnicity and Health 2005;10:235-242.

Mike Johnson, MD

Johnson M., Smith JM, Woods S, Hendy MP, Hiratzka L. Cardiac Surgery in Octogenarians: Does Age Alone Influence Outcomes? Archives of Surg. 2005;140:1089-1093.

Rochelle Rosenfeld, MD

Rosenfeld R, Smith JM., Woods S, Engel A. Predictors and Outcomes in Extended Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay in Patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. J Cardiac Surg 2006 (In press).

Samina Sohail

Woods S, Smith JM, Sohail S, Sarah A, Engle A. The Influence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: An Eight-year Prospective Cohort Study. Chest 2004;126:1789-1795.

Amal Sarah

Woods S, Smith JM, Sohail S, Sarah A, Engle A. The Influence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: An Eight-year Prospective Cohort Study. Chest 2004; 126:1789-1795.

Aleda Nash, MD

Nash A, Woods S, Awada S. Pheochromocytoma. Resident and Staff Physician. 2005;51:30-34.

Chad Lewis, MD

Lewis C, Woods S, Lohr J, Poynter M, Engel A, Rusche J. Level of Education and Patient Opinion: Significant Differences in Perceptions of Health Care. Current Surgery. 2004;61(5):504-510.

Lewis C, Hiratzka L, Woods S, Hendy M. Autologous Blood Transfusion in Elective Cardiac Valve Operations. J Card Surg 2005; Nov-Dec;20(6):513-518.

Kevin Powell, MD

Powell, K, Smith JM, Woods S, Hendy MP. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Dialysis-Dependent End Stage Renal Disease. J Card Surg 2004;19(5):449-452.

Powell, K, Smith JM, Woods S, Hendy MP. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Dialysis-Dependent End Stage Renal Disease. J Am Coll Card 2002;39:418A. (Published Abstract)

William Silva

Silva W, Kleeman S, Segal J, Pauls R, Woods S, Karram M. Effects of A Full Bladder and Patient Positioning of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Assessment. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;104:37-41.

Matt Recht

Recht M, Smith JM, Woods S, Engle A, Hiratzka L. Predictors and outcomes of gastrointestinal complications in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A prospective, nested case-control study. J Am Coll Surg 2004;198:742-747.

Recht M, Smith JM, Woods S, Engle A, Hiratzka L. Predictors and outcomes of gastrointestinal complications in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A prospective, nested case-control study. Chest 2003;124(S):159s.

Zahra Heidari, MD

Woods S, Heidari Z. The influence of gender on patient satisfaction. J Gender-specific Med 2003;6:30-35.

Jean-Pierre S. Awaida, MD

Awaida JP, Woods S, Doerzbacher M, Gonzales Y, Miller T. Four Cut Sinus CT in Screening for Sinus Disease. Southern Medical Journal 2004;97:18-20.

Karuna Narayanan, MD

Woods S, Narayanan K, Engel A. Colon Cancer and Gender: Do we find the disease earlier in either Sex? J Women’s Health & Gender-Based Med 2003;12;425. (Published Abstract)

Woods S, Narayanan K, Engel A. The Influence of Gender on Colon Cancer Stage. Journal of Women’s Health 2005;14:478-482.

Sam Awada, MD

Awada S, Grisham A, Woods S. A Large Dopamine-secreting Pheochromocytoma. Southern Medical Journal 2003;96:914-917.

Nash A, Woods S, Awada S. Pheochromocytoma. Resident and Staff Physician. 2005;51:30-34.

Andre' Grisham, MD

Awada S, Grisham A, Woods S. A Large Dopamine-secreting Pheochromocytoma. Southern Medical Journal 2003;96:914-917.

Erick Avelar, MD

Avelar E, Woods S, Doerzbacher M, Gonzales Y. The Influence of Multiple variables on the Prevalence of aspirin Prescribing in Patients with known Coronary Artery Disease. HEARTDRUG 2003;3:82-86.

John King, MD

Woods S, Sorscher J, King J. The Influence of Gender in Young Adults admitted for Asthma. J Women’s Health 2003;12:481-485.

King J, Woods S, Sorscher J. The Influence of Gender in Young Adults admitted for Asthma. J Women’s Health & Gender-Based Med 2002;11:317(P-4). (Published abstract)

Emmanuel Rivera, MD

Rivera E, Woods S. The prevalence of asymptomatic C. difficile in a nursing home population. J Gender specif Med 2003;6[2]:27-30.

Andrew Berson, MD

Berson, A, Smith JM, Woods S, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. Off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: does the pump influence outcomes? J Am Coll Surg 2004;199:102-108.

Berson, A, Smith JM, Woods S, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. Off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: does the pump influence outcomes? Chest 2002;122:40S. (Published Abstract)

Berson, A, Smith JM, Woods S, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. Off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: does the pump influence outcomes? J Am Coll Surg 2002;195:s24. (Published Abstract)

Greg Noble, MD

Woods S, Noble G, Smith JM, Hasselfeld K. The Influence of Gender in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: An eight-year prospective Hospitalized Cohort Study. J Am Coll of Surg 2003;196:428-434.

Woods S, Smith JM, Noble G, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. The Influence of Gender in Patients undergoing Coronary artery Bypass Surgery. Chest 2002;122:97S. (Published abstract)

Woods S, Smith JM, Noble G, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L. The Influence of Gender in Patients undergoing Coronary artery Bypass Surgery. Circulation 2002;102:P89. (Published Abstract)

Woods S, Smith JM, Noble G, Hasselfeld K, Hiratzka L.The Influence of Gender in Patients undergoing Coronary artery Bypass Surgery: A Prospective Hospitalization Study. J Women’s Health & Gender-Based Med 2002;11:317 (P-1). (Published Abstract)

Prasanna Chandran, MD

Woods S, Chandran P. The Influence of Gender on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with an Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Hospitalized Cohort Study. J Fam Prac 2002;51:237-240.

Michael Johnson, MD

Johnson M, Smith JM, Woods S, Hendy MP, Hiratzka L. Cardiac Surgery in Octogenarians: Does age alone influence outcomes? Chest 2002;122:41S. (Published Abstract)

Elizabeth Weinberg, MD

Weinberg E, Woods S, Grannan K, Hendy MP. The Influence of the Gender of the Surgeon on Surgical Procedure Preference for Breast Cancer. Amer Surg 2002;68:398-400.

Uma Raju, MD

Woods S., Raju U. Maternal Smoking and the Risk of Congenital Birth Defects: A Cohort Study. J Amer B Fam Pract 2001;14:330-4.


Research Awards  
Third Place, Resident Division, Eleventh Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Allegra Tenkman MD
First Place, Attending Division, Tenth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed., FAAFP
Third Place, Resident Division, Tenth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Lee Niemeyer MD
Third Place, Attending Division, Ninth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed., FAAFP
Third Place, Resident Division, Ninth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Maram Khabbaz MD
First Place, Attending Division, Eighth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed., FAAFP
Second Place, Attending Division, Eighth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Jon Sorscher MD
Third Place, Resident Division, Eighth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Kelly Brown MD
Third Place, Attending Division, Seventh Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed., FAAFP
Third Place, Resident Division, Seventh Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Pat Beiter MD
Second Place, American Academy of Family Physicians Scientific Assembly
Research Presentations Oct. 1, 2006, Washington DC
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed.
Eric Zabat MD, Matt Daggy MD, John Diehl MD, Rick Okragly MD
Second Place Research Award, 14th Annual Congress on Women’s Health
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed., FAAFP
Rebecca Luking DO
Becky Atkins DO
Second Place, Attending Division, Sixth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed., FAAFP
Third Place, Attending Division, Fifth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed., FAAFP
Second Place, Resident Division, Fifth Annual TriHealth Research Competition  
Rebecca Luking DO & Becky Atkins DO
Third Place, Attending Division, Fourth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed., FAAFP
First Place, Resident Division, Fourth Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Shruti Basho MD
First Place, Clinical Science Research Award
Ohio Chapter of the American College of Surgeons
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed.
Second Place Research Award, 11th Annual Congress on Women’s Health
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed.
Karuna Narayanan MD
First Place, Attending Division, Third Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed.
First Place, Resident Division, Third Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Karuna Narayanan MD
Third Place, Resident Division, Second Annual TriHealth Research Competition
John King MD
Second Place, American Academy of Family Physicians Scientific Assembly
Research Presentations Oct. 7, 2001, Atlanta, GA.
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed.
Prasanna Chandran MD
First Place, Attending Division, First Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Scott E. Woods MD, MPH, M.Ed.
Third Place, Resident Division, First Annual TriHealth Research Competition
Zahra Heideri MD
Bethesda Family Practice Center(1)
1775 West Lexington, Suite 100
Cincinnati, OH 45212
Call 513 977 6758

Minimum Requirements 513 977 6753
Fax 513 531 2624