Companies that implement comprehensive, well-designed worksite wellness programs experience major benefits, from lower healthcare costs and reduced absenteeism to greater productivity and morale. This provides a substantial return on investment. Often, companies that provide such programs for their team members report decreases in sick leave, hospital admissions, disability days and per capita workers’ compensation costs.
Successful worksite wellness programs can also result in healthy and happy team members who:
Programs vary in scope and cost. The annual cost to employers can range from $30 to $250 per team member, per year. Careful assessment and analysis to determine appropriate programming is vital to get the best results and economic benefit. Corporate Health designs programs based your organization’s specific needs and aligns them with your business plan and budget.
What kind of return on investment can we expect from our wellness program?
Growing evidence indicates that comprehensive, well-designed programs average a rate of return on investment of approximately $3.50 for every $1 invested. Returns are also experienced in the form of reduced absenteeism, increased morale and greater productivity. Companies that implement wellness programs consistently find their healthcare costs reduced.
How do we start a worksite wellness program?
The best programs begin by assessing these factors in your organization:
Then, we do a health risk assessment, in which team members complete a questionnaire about their exercise, eating, smoking, and other lifestyle behaviors. We also offer a medical screening for blood pressure, body fat, and glucose and cholesterol levels. Once results are compiled, team members receive personalized, confidential reports.
As an employer, you receive an aggregate health report of all participants, indicating the number of individuals who may be at risk, along with a compilation of team member interest in various wellness offerings. These reports are valuable in evaluating which wellness programs and services are best suited to your organization.
Yes! Our programs are customized to your organization’s needs.
A typical start-up time is approximately 30 days.
What is my role and time commitment in implementing and running our organization’s program(s)?
We work in partnership with you and your organization at every stage of planning and refining your wellness program. We request a dedicated contact from your organization to work in collaboration with a wellness coordinator from Corporate Health.
Your organization is responsible for working with your wellness coordinator to make programming decisions, communicate to team members, and assist with the scheduling of onsite events.
Key “critical to quality” components are necessary for successful wellness programs.
Success measures are determined and agreed upon by you and Corporate Health before your program begins. Aligning goals in advance provides the consistent benchmark against which to measure success throughout the life of the program. You will receive quarterly reports.