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The Intensive Care Emergency Procedure Training (INCEPT™), is a three stage, procedural training program for Health Care Providers (HCPs). By training participants on these procedures, we can improve patient outcomes by ensuring staff are thoroughly trained and confident in expediting the time needed to recognize, execute, and complete emergent procedures before the patient deteriorates further.

Why Develop This Program?

  • HCPs need to be comfortable and confident in diagnosing and managing complication which place our patients at risk of cardiorespiratory arrest if not handled immediately.
  • Lack of procedural experts available or unable to be reached in emergency situations creates a need for other providers to be able to perform these procedures.

What is Taught in Each Module?

  • The HCPs will experience a simulation model, a live model, and a cadaver lab to foster their knowledge and manual dexterity needed for each procedure.
  • Coupling these modules with didactic presentations and small class sizes, INCEPT™ provides HCPs with an opportunity to effectively increase their confidence, knowledge, and technical aptitude.
  • We tackle the challenge of familiarizing your team with equipment, procedural steps, associated risks, and providing an efficient, hands-on-training.
  • The following procedures are reviewed and taught:
    • Bronchoscopy
    • Swan Ganz Placement
    • Pericardiocentesis
    • Thoracostomy (Chest Tube Placement)
    • Transvenous Pacemaker Placement
    • Cricothyroidotomy

Is the Course Effective?

In this course we do administer pre- and post-curriculum tests to evaluate the efficacy of our program and address any areas of concern. Please use this link to view INCEPT™ outcomes from previous participants.

Are There Other Benefits?

TriHealth is accredited by the Ohio State Medical Association to provide Continuing Medical Education for physicians. CMEs are available and TriHealth has designated this live activity to receive a maximum of 14.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. The program is flexible and can be individualized to meet your or your team’s needs.

Interested in Learning More or Participating?

Please see this link for an example copy of our program outline. If interested in participating please feel to contact us directly.

TriHealth Hatton Research Institute
Call 513 862 4012