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TriHealth Training Initiatives

The Clinical Training and Testing Center Simulation Labs provide a variety of clinical improvement and research protocols as well as training programs. Many of these programs are mobile and can be offered at any of our TriHealth facilities. Our educators will work with you to design a unique and specific solution to improve your team members’ clinical performance that help maintain TriHealth’s status as one of the top 15 U.S. health systems in the nation.



INCEPT™ includes three training modules in which participants will receive hands-on training from our expert, physician instructors. Participants can receive one-on-one instruction and will have a program evaluation completed which will identify the persons’ strengths and weaknesses in each procedure covered. Click here for more information.


The Critical Obstetric & Neonatal Care Emergency Procedure Training (CONCEPT™), is a three stage, procedural training program for Health Care Providers (HCPs—OBs, Anesthesia, Nurses). By training participants on these procedures, we can improve patient outcomes by providing necessary education and tools for the providers to be properly trained before being involved in an emergent situation with mother or baby. Click here for more information.

 Expanded Physician Skills Training

This course offers additional training to physician team members to aid in refreshing skills, both those neglected and those needing a more thorough review. Training can be on-on-one or in a group and are conducted by a content expert. Click here for more information.

Code Readiness

This course prepares team members to manage a cardiac arrest, using high-performance teamwork strategies and familiarizes team members to the equipment used by the hospital.

IMG-8101Competency-Based Education (CBE)

Gone are the days where annual competencies were achieved with a poster-board and lecture. Use of task-trainers and high-fidelity simulation increases the amount of learning that occurs for individuals, while improving teamwork and communication.

In Situ

This type of training brings the patient simulator into your clinical environment to allow team members to “treat” the patient in a familiar setting with familiar resources. Research continues to indicate this type of simulation is preferred by clinicians, improves care and lowers cost.

Office Emergencies

The Office Emergencies course is an ideal course for the non-acute, outpatient or ancillary TriHealth departments where Rapid Response and/or Code Blue teams are not always available. This course applies to RNs, Mas, technicians and other team members within these departments.

Community Outreach Programs

The Simulation Center collaborates with, clinical educators, TriHealth’s EMS Coordinators and clinical experts to provide simulation-based training to our first responders, clinical students and local clinical programs and is the sole TriHealth provider of continuing education for area Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and is accredited by the Ohio Department of Public Safety (#1447).

Paramedic Refresher Program

The Paramedic Refresher Program is designed in conjunction with TriHealth’s EMS Coordinators, to meet the 48 Ohio Approved Paramedic Refresher Training Program Curriculum. This program combines the use of simulation, task-training, case studies and traditional lecture from content experts to review fundamental concepts while introduction emerging trends in EMS care and practice.

IMG_9368Airway Simulation and Assessment Program (ASAP)

This program is a specialty airway course created and delivered exclusively at the request of the southwest Ohio EMS communities. This course presents specific lessons based on the Southwest Ohio Protocol and reported problems encountered by area life squads that focuses on facilitating practical solutions.

Clinical Student Supplemental Simulation Program

The Simulation Center partners with external nursing, EMT and paramedic schools and programs to provide supplemental, real-world training experiences to students in conjunction with other healthcare provider.

About Us

We provide operation and education services to improve patient care outcomes by helping learners of all levels integrate clinical knowledge with criticalthinking. Learners that come to our center can practice fundamental to advanced technical and non-technical skills in a safe and controlled environment utilizing task, procedural, and patient simulator platforms.

The Simulation Center is the sole TriHealth provider of continuing education for area Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and is accredited by the Ohio Department of Public Safety (#1447).

We seek to advance clinical practices through deliberate and purposeful education and training, using relevant, evidence-based, and innovative strategies in simulated and clinical environments. We achieve this by providing first-in-class medical education and training to nurses, physicians, residents, fellows, respiratory therapists, allied health clinicians and technicians and pre-hospital care providers.

Our goal is to be recognized as a resource for improving healthcare services, to create a place where team members can learn in a safe and dynamic environment and to support the community in which we serve.

MHMH MH2Simulation Program Labs

The Simulation Center headquarter is located at Bethesda North Hospital, with an additional lab located at Good Samaritan Hospital.

The Bethesda North facility offers:

  • 1 larger conference room with digital display board
  • 2 smaller debriefing rooms with digital display board
  • 5 simulation rooms equipped with cameras and microphones for viewing
  • 1 task training room
  • 2 Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery Stations

The Good Samaritan facility offers:

  • 24HR badge access (after receiving approval)
  • 1 large simulation room
    • Equipped with multiple virtual reality trainers
    • 2 Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery Stations
  • 1 smaller simulation room

OB Stroke 17Mobile Simulation

In order to meet the needs of all our team members, the Simulation Center has the capability of going mobile. Many of our human patient simulators are wireless and tetherless, allowing them to be used outside of our labs.

Our simulators have travelled to multiple TriHealth facilities including:

  • Good Samaritan Hospital
  • Bethesda Butler Hospital
  • Good Samaritan Hospital at Evendale
  • McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital
  • Bethesda Arrow Springs
  • Good Samaritan Western Ridge
  • Thomas Comprehensive Care Center
  • Anderson Campus
  • Kenwood Campus


Human Patient Simulators

Our human patient simulators (HPS) range from adult to premature neonate and offer comprehensive clinical functionality and allows learners to immerse themselves into realistic patient care encounters.

Our simulators help recreate a variety of scenarios including trauma and obstetrics emergencies and can be adjusted to respond to the interventions being applied. Many of our simulators allow for voice communication and can interface with clinical monitors and equipment, including ventilators, to enhance the realism of the training.


Virtual Reality Trainers

There are a variety of virtual reality laparoscopic trainers located at our Good Samaritan location. These trainers allow clinicians to practice a variety of procedures in a safe and virtual environment.

Task Trainers

The Simulation Center has multiple task trainers available to practice isolated skills ranging from basic to advanced interventions and techniques.

Our task trainers have been used to practice:

  • Basic airway management
  • Intubation
  • Cricothyrotomy
  • Tracheostomy
  • Central line insertion
  • Arterial line insertion
  • Needle decompression
  • Chest tube insertion
  • Peripheral IV insertion
  • I.O. insertion
  • Ultrasound scanning
  • Synchronized cardioversion
  • Transcutaneous pacing
  • Defibrillation
  • CPR