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Dining Out with Diabetes

When you have diabetes, diet is and regulating your blood sugar is always on your mind.  At home, you can control what food items your purchase and have readily available, but what if you dine out?  

Healthy Tips for Dining Out

Just because you're diabetic doesn't mean you can't enjoy dinging out.  Below are some healthy tips for you to make the most of your dining out experience:

  • Restaurants are responding to the consumer demand forhealthier foods.  With the followingtips, you can make smart choices.

  • Control your portion sizes, share a meal or make a mealwith a healthy appetizer.  Put part ofyour meal in a container at the beginning of the meal to take home for later.

  • Pay attention to the way your food is cooked, choose bakedor grilled, not fried or sautéed.

  • Plan ahead.  Look ata menu before going out so you are prepared to make better choices.  Many restaurants offer lighter fare forhealth conscious consumers.  Plan to eatat your regular meal time.

  • Ask if healthier foods could be substituted for the highercalorie choices.  Try a salad, or fruitinstead of French fries.

  • Order foods dry; ask for the butter, margarine, or sourcream on the side. Try reduced- calorie salad dressings and ask for it on theside.

Bon Appetit!


In a medical emergency, call 911.