“I’ve got a family history on my dad’s side,” says TriHealth patient Steve Ulmer of his recently-diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes. “I was concerned about it, and I finally crossed that line with my A1c.”
Despite his family history, the possibility wasn’t always at the forefront of his mind.
“At that point I got serious, because whether it’s busy, fast-paced life, wasn’t eating right, or didn’t even care,” he said, reflecting on his previous lifestyle. “Stay close to your primary—I would have never known about the diabetes care team that TriHealth has built today.”
Steve appreciated the multi-faceted approach to care that went beyond medications.
“I didn’t realize at the beginning, but I have a one-on-one coach,” he said. “We can converse any time—talk about meal plans, talk about my test results or whatever it might be.”
That connection with his care team is important to Steve.
“I can read all the resource materials that you put in front of me, absorb some of it, forget some of it, but does that really change your habit?” he asked. “And that’s what the diabetes care tea did for me.”
Steve was even surprised by how easy it seemed to change, simply knowing he had someone in his corner.
“Total support, common sense tips,” he said. “Was it hard to change my habits? Not really. Not when you’ve got a coach.”
The biggest change Steve has felt, however, hasn’t been physical at all.
“The greatest benefit that I’ve been given through the association with the program is the change up here,” he said, pointing to his head. “To not worry anymore, to not be afraid anymore, to be on the attack and to beat this thing.”
To learn more about Diabetes resources, education and care with TriHealth, visit us here.