Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science recently celebrated its largest nursing class yet, consisting of 90 students enrolled in Nursing 1! In honor of the launch of their nursing career, each student was awarded their white coat during the semester’s White Coat Ceremony.
The White Coat Ceremony is held every semester for Nursing 1 students to bring their families and celebrate receiving their white coats before they begin clinicals. GSC 1977 alumna Kim Navaro started this ceremony nearly seven years ago while she was the Alumni Association Board President. She wanted to hold a special ceremony for first-semester nursing students to commemorate the beginning of their academic journey to becoming a professional nurse, a profession in which she proudly worked for many years. She started a fund through Good Samaritan Foundation so that other alumni could donate money to purchase the white lab coats and write words of encouragement to be placed in the coat pocket.
Learn more about the Good Samaritan College of Nursing & Health Sciences today.