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October 08, 2012

TriHealth Awarded Traffic Safety Grant for Second Year


TriHealth announced that the Trauma Services department of TriHealth's Bethesda North Hospital has been awarded a traffic safety grant by the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services for the second year in a row. The goal of the yearly grant is to reduce traffic related crashes in Hamilton County through education, public awareness, and building partnerships.

TriHealth will remain the lead agency for Hamilton County Safe Communities (HCSC) coalition. This federal grant is distributed by the state of Ohio to local jurisdictions for targeted traffic safety education initiatives.

HCSC brings together law enforcement agencies, the County and City Engineer’s Departments, Hamilton County Coroner’s Office, area hospitals, local businesses, and media, all with a mutual interest in traffic safety. The group uses multiple strategies, including education, public awareness, and high-visibility enforcement, to improve traffic safety and to reduce and ultimately prevent motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and deaths.

“Bethesda North Trauma Services is excited to take on this grant for another year to reduce traffic related fatalities in Hamilton County,” said Stephanie Estes, HCSC Grant Director and Coordinator for TriHealth. “Hamilton County Safe Communities is dedicated to making a difference in order to make our roads safer and keep our citizens informed on traffic safety issues.”

The coalition wil continue current key traffic safety campaigns such as: “Click it or Ticket,” “Ride Smart,” and “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” The four target areas for traffic safety education for the coalition are safety belt usage, public awareness, motorcycle safety, and special populations.

Hamilton County Safe Communities Coalition aims to promote community partnerships in traffic safety and ultimately reduce the injuries and fatalities from motor vehicle crashes. TriHealth and Bethesda North Hospital have played an active role in injury prevention and traffic safety over the past twenty five years through the work of the TriHealth ThinkFirst Injury Prevention Program co-directed by Stephanie Lambers and Krista Jones.

The first coalition meeting for this grant year is open to the public and will be held November 14th, 2012 from 1:00pm-2:00pm in the Goetz Conference Room at Bethesda North Hospital.